- SustainaBlue - HEIs for Sustainable Blue Economy in Malaysia and Indonesia (2024-2026)
The project aims to support Malaysian and Indonesian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in enhancing their relevance to the labor market and society by fostering a sustainable blue economy and green transition. It includes activities such as Strengthening HEI teaching staff skills in blue skills curriculum and methods, Enhancing HEI staff capacity for stakeholder cooperation, Promoting cooperation between HEIs and industry to address skill mismatches, Modernizing HEI academic offerings for the blue economy, Transferring HEI research to coastal communities, Improving student skills for blue economy employment, Reskilling/upskilling blue industry workers, Raising awareness, especially among women, about sustainable blue careers.rnKey activities involve: Establishing Sustainable Blue Economy Centers and networks for collaboration with blue industries and other stakeholders, Conducting an analysis of skills needed in sectors related to the sustainable blue economy, Developing and operating a regional Blue & Green Acceleration Platform, Providing capacity building for HEI staff, Developing and piloting new courses on high-demand blue skills to enhance talent development for both students and the current labor force, Facilitating knowledge transfer and awareness raising for local communities and HEI students to promote understanding of sustainable blue economy opportunities and careers.
Partners: 12 partners
Funding: EU. 101129136-ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CBHE
- UPSTREAM - Circular and Bio-Based Solutions for the Ultimate Prevention of Plastics in Rivers Integrated with Elimination and Monitoring Technologies (2023-2027)
UPSTREAM addresses the targets of the Mission by overcoming challenges related to the monitoring, prevention, elimination, and valorisation of litter (L), plastics (P), and microplastics (MP). Demonstrating a suite of 14 solutions addressing pollution at every step in the water system, connected to 7 rivers in 5 countries, will enable the co-creation of an extensive database of knowledge and sustainable business models with a focus on making information as widely accessible as possible. The involvement of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) owners, industrial partners with existing supply chains, innovative SMEs, and a water cluster association will ensure exploitation of the project solutions, while €500k in cascade funding will enhance replication across Europe. The UPSTREAM consortium will thus establish circular value chains with the potential to decrease plastic litter by 50% and MP pollution by 30%. rnrnThe advances in UPSTREAM are based on best-in-world innovations, including:rn• Standardised, rapid monitoring techniques able to detect MP down to sizes >25 μmrn• Bio-based, biodegradable plastics the stop the formation of MP in consumer products and WWTPs themselvesrn• Elimination of more than 90% MP within WWTPs from both sludge and effluent streamsrn• Innovative floating platforms capable of removing >83% of L, P, and MP directly from rivers at both the surface and riverbed, without creating noise pollution or harming ecosystemsrn• Production of relevant monomers from recovered plastics through both advanced fractionation and depolymerisation and biotransformation rnUPSTREAM represents a pan-European consortium with 5 demo sites across Europe, including 4 WWTPs (UK, ES, DE, IT), plus a testing area on the Danube in Serbia. The consortium is strengthened by top European RTOs, the world leader in sustainable bioplastics development, Novamont, and completed by partners dedicated to creating a digital knowledge sharing platform and engaging with citizens and stakeholders.rnrn Budget: 7,958,026.65€rnFinancial Framework: HORIZON EUROPErnStart Date: 01/09/2023rnEnd Date: 31/08/2027
Partners: 22 partners
Funding: Horizon Europe
NATURAL DISASTER MONITORING THROUGH SATELLITE IMAGERY AND UNMANNED AIRCRAFT SYSTEM (UAS) DATA IN NEAR-REAL TIME AND PROVISION OF SATELLITE PROSESSIMG SERVICES OF SUPER-HIGH RESOLUTION DATA.This collaboration between the Civil Protection Agency of the Region of North Aegean and the Marine Remote Sensing Group aims to develop research that will lead to innovative methods of monitoring and effective response to natural and man-made disasters, and develop research studies in the protection of life and well-being of the citizens of the North Aegean Region as well as a holistic approach of reducing vulnerability.
Partners: University of the Aegean- Marine Remote Sensing Group and Civil Protection Agency of the Region of North Aegean
Funding: Civil Protection Agency
- Studies in support to the implementation of the mission – Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Harmonisation (2023-2024)
The overall objective of study is to provide an up-to-date overview and assessment of the different schemes put in place for acquiring data on marine biodiversity and their reporting in the European Union and adjacent marine waters.rnBeside the results of the assessments carried out, the study will also:rn• Facilitate the access to the current knowledge on methodologies for assessing and monitoring marine biodiversity, as well as on the existing platforms, repository and infrastructures where data obtained by the application of these methodologies is made available – thanks to the development of an integrated online/digital database/tool that will provide access to a structured organisation of results obtained from different tasks;rn• Contribute to the strengthening of the European community of practice on marine biodiversity monitoring and reporting, thanks to the early mobilisation (via interviews) of key experts, researchers and knowledge platform coordinators as well as the organisation of two interactive workshops that will contribute to the consolidation of results as well as to the co- building of operational recommendations and harmonised pathway(s). The consortium will, in collaboration with JRC and other Commission services, actively seek contact with relevant experts through existing networks and platforms, such as the Expert Network for Biodiversity under the MSFD, through relevant projects funded by DG RTD, Regional Sea Conventions, and through direct engagements with national expert institutions and authorities. This approach will also ensure that the study outputs will be tailored to both users at EU institutional level and for relevant national competent authorities and their expert institutions, while also generating buy-in and moving the discussion from simply providing more and better data to how these data can best be utilised.rnBoth elements will contribute to the legacy of the study, facilitating the dissemination of results to the wider community as well as developing a sense of ownership of the study results. Contributing to the achievement of the objectives of the EU Mission, facilitating inter alia the integration of existing and new marine biodiversity monitoring techniques within harmonized knowledge pathway(s) delivering coherent and cost-effective reporting, the study will also support the implementation and the forthcoming revision of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, benefiting from its communication infrastructure and mobilising EU Member States experts, scientists and monitoring authorities.
Partners: ACTeon, University of Tartu, University of the Aegean, CSIC
- SPOTS | Spectral properties of submerged and biofouled litter (2020-2023)
This project aims to establish a spectral reflectance library (280 nm – 2500 nm) of submerged and bio-fouled virgin and marine-harvested plastic litter samples. Furthermore a creation of a library based on Spectral Response Functions of imaging technologies utilized on drones and satellite missions. A collection of measurements using off-the-shelf multispectral sensors (Slantrange, Sentera) for comparison with hyperspectral observations. Anisotropic properties of the spectral reflectance will be evaluated as well. A development of an optical predictive model that explains the attenuation of light related to plastic litter based on multispectral or hyperspectral observations. The identification of diagnostic spectral reflectance features of submerged plastics in the visible to near infrared spectrum and the production of an updated standard operating protocol for high quality observations for floating and submerged ocean plastics using Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS).
Partners: University of the Aegean, The Ocean Cleanup Projects B.V.
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA)
- We Sea More | Recording - Capture of the coastal front of the Eden Coast (2020)
The project aimed at the recording and mapping of coastal and marine areas on the coastal front of the Eden Coast in Paleo Faliro. It was done in order to capture the plastic waste that was in the study area. The recording and capture were performed by low altitude aerial photography using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAS) with a spatial resolution of 1-2 cm as well as an unmanned surface vehicle (USV) with submarine cameras. The deliverables of the above works were: a) tables and diagrams of optimal conditions for the recording period, b) report of conclusions of the adequacy of telescopic data and c) open data geobase.
Partners: The University of the Aegean, Polyeco, Nestle Greece, UcanDrone
- MARRE | MARine monitoring system of the Hellenic Seas using REmote sensing satellite data and in-situ measurements (2018-2022)
MARRE was a research project dealing with the development and establishment of an integrated open source GIS system for monitoring the marine environment. The services and products were supplied by satellite remote sensing data combined with field measurements and they were covering a wide range of modern scientific issues from the fields of ecology, fishery management, and physicochemical monitoring of the Greek seas. The project provided fast, accessible, and reliable information which formerly required personal skills and actions for collection, processing, and interpretation. In other words, MARRE contributes to faster decision making, addressing municipality and public issues as well as servicing the private and non-profitable sectors. The two main and innovative elements of the project arising from the combination of enterprises and research institutes were: the linking of field data with multiple-scaled remote sensing data (from a few centimeters spatial aerial imageries to terrestrial satellite spatial analysis of tens of meters) and the combination of information extracted from different types of data into an information system for monitoring the quality of the coastal and marine environment.
Partners: University of the Aegean (Coordinator), Hellenic Center of Marine Research, Geospatial Enabling Technologies (GET)
Funding: This research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH–CREATE–INNOVATE (project code: Τ1ΕΔΚ-02966)
- ARGO Hellenic USV | Standard Hellenic Independent Unmanned Floating System (2020-2023)
The present research project focuses on the development of an integrated unmanned floating surface system with important technological innovations in order to find reliable and economically viable alternatives to the problem of collecting dependable, fast, and easily accessible data concerning the aquatic environment. The system to be developed has customized "smart systems" of data capture and reading based on the combined use of sensors and terrestrial control systems to be remotely operated and managed. The system presents remarkable innovations in the following areas: 1) the on-board / real-time data processing/analysis capabilities, 2) an energy-independent and environmentally friendly platform (craft) entirely made of the latest aeronautical materials, 3) the development of advanced technology sensors (Photogrammetric and radiometric footprint, as well as its connection with pollutants, indicators, and inertial sensors) and 4) the information management software, which is the greatest innovation of the system, as for the first time, it introduces and imprints spatially the environmental variables recorded by its sensors, thus making it possible to manage data from Geographical Systems Information (GIS) from local or remote users. The proposed research project using smart unmanned floating systems aims to develop new methods for monitoring, recording, collecting, and analyzing data from the aquatic environment, with the main advantages of: a) the cost reduction - avoidance of purchase or rental of large conventional vessels per survey, or the development of large scale cost-ineffective networks of fixed measurement stations, b) the rational allocation of resources and the utilization of human resources, c) the capability of real-time monitoring, d) the expansion in the scope of the academic interdisciplinarity and e) the directness of communication lines among the participants of academic / and the private sector.
Partners: University of the Aegean, REMACO SA, Hellenic Center for Marine Research (Institute of Oceanography), ΑΜΒΙΟ SA, Fible Technologies, UCANDRONE
Funding: This research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH–CREATE–INNOVATE (project code: Τ2ΕΔΚ-03141)
- PLP | Plastic Litter Project (2020-2022)
Detection of marine litter with remote sensing datasets is essential, and proof-of-concept studies have demonstrated the classification of the marine plastics in the laboratory and in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch using hyperspectral imaging. Remote sensing is one of the tools necessary for the detection of floating marine plastics because of the extensive area coverage and frequent observation. While floating plastics are reported in high concentrations in many places around the globe, no referencing dataset exists either for understanding the spectral behavior of plastics in the real environment, or for calibrating remote sensing algorithms and validating their results. To tackle this problem, we initiated the Plastic Litter Projects (PLP), with the objective to construct large artificial targets and to deploy them on the sea surface. The PLP’s scope is: i) to explore the feasibility of detecting plastics in the aquatic environment using UAV and the open access Sentinel-2 mission, ii) to extract meaningful spectral measurements in near-real scenarios, and iii) to simulate the coarse satellite pixel using the fine UAS resolution. This project is for designing and deploying semi-permanent at-sea infrastructure and re-deployable target structures, with polymer composition, for the calibration and validation of marine debris detection methodologies. Multi and hyper spectral imagery from UAV mounted cameras will form part of the datasets produced.
Partners: University of the Aegean (Coordinator), CNR, AS PROTE MARITIME LTD
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA)
- PLP | Plastic Litter Projects (2018 & 2019)
Demonstration and development projects to detect artificial plastic targets on the sea surface using UAV and satellite imaging technology. Artificial marine litter targets were used, in order to be detected from European Satellites Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. Also, UAV’s were used to detect and quantify the volume of the litter on the sea surface with dedicated cameras. Inter-comparison between data from satellites and UAVs released the advantages and disadvantages of the detecting systems. The demonstrated expertise that was implemented on these projects were the building of the large artificial targets, the drone mapping and the data fusion of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2.
Partners: University of the Aegean (Coordinator)
Funding: University of the Aegean
- ARSx2 | AeRial System and Anti piRacy System (2018-2023)
Marine area surveillance system, using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) to avoid and prevent merchant ships from piracy. The subject of this proposal is based on a business idea of developing two different types of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS). The first UAS will be suitably equipped with sensors and other recording instruments and an integrated processing system for the purpose of reviewing - recording, processing data, and identifying various unknown "targets" in marine areas to prevent piracy in commercial ships. In addition, it will be appreciably different from existing unmanned systems at both design and equipment level as it will have customized "smart systems" of data capture and reading based on the combined use of sensors and ground control systems to enable remote operation and management at the operational level missions. The second UAS system to be developed in this proposal will be flexible and easy to use by non-specialist operators. It will be deployed by its handlers in the case that the ship is occupied by pirates, to follow the vessel at a suitable height and distance for the first significant period of the ongoing piracy by relaying to appropriate frequencies an S.O.S. signal, and critical information. While following the ship, except the transmitting of the mayday signal (S.O.S), it will broadcast the position of the ship, and an image of the situation in vulnerable points of the vessel through a network of micro-cameras installed on the ship’s bridge, the escape room, etc. It is understood that the project contributes significantly to the competitiveness of enterprises and research institutions and will form the basis for providing advanced security services at the national, European, and global level. The whole business venture is based on the need for a constant supply of people travels security services and goods on merchant ships that sail in areas where active pirate groups.
Partners: University of the Aegean, AS Prote Maritime Ltd
Funding: This research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH–CREATE–INNOVATE (project code: Τ1ΕΔΚ-04993)
- High Resolution 3D Mapping Project of the affected area of Vrisa from the earthquake of Lesvos on 12/06/2017 (2017)
The scope of this research project focused on the investigation of the utilization of computational vision algorithms and technologies - Geoinformatics methods related to the calculation of geospatial data in three dimensions, from high resolution terrestrial and aerial images. The synergistic utilization of the different methods led to the achievement of the optimal result of the three-dimensional mapping of the effects of the earthquake in the entire settlement of Vrisa Lesvos, after the catastrophic earthquake on 12.06.2017, in an extremely short period of a few days. The team of the University of the Aegean, having the necessary equipment and having developed the know-how and scientific background, used: a) cameras and b) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) systems, selecting the appropriate sensors and using experimental aerial photography devices to collect high-resolution photos, in order to produce spatial information and geo-images of very high accuracy and resolution of the settlement of Vrisa.
Partners: University of the Aegean
Funding: North Aegean Region
- AQUASAFE | Towards a precision aquaculture geoinformation (2020-2023)
The research aims to create an integrated geoinformatics system for remote monitoring and early warning in aquaculture. The system can be used by the aquaculture manager and inform about phenomena that may be a threat to aquaculture, directly or indirectly. Examples of such phenomena are the development of harmful algal blooms, jellyfish blooms and transfer of pathogenic microorganisms and nutrients. Monitoring is based on the analysis of high-resolution satellite imagery and in-situ data. The main objectives were: (1) the application of a biological prediction model for growth and consumption of food as well as oxygen requirements, (2) the implementation of a model of measuring environmental parameters in the field by means of smart devices (internet of things) interconnecting them in multiple units, (3) the monitoring environmental parameters using remote sensing from satellite systems, (4) the development of early warning models and (5), the development of a geoinformatic system for monitoring and early warning. The implementation and evaluation of the system is carried out in selected facilities in Greece aiming at evaluation under different environmental conditions. For coping with the above mentioned challenges, an adequate geo system for monitoring and managing aquaculture facilities and the surrounding area was developed.
Partners: University of the Aegean (Coordinator), Hellenic Center of Marine Research, Geospatial Enabling Technologies (GET), PLAGTON SA
Funding: This research has been co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, under the call RESEARCH–CREATE–INNOVATE (project code: Τ2ΕΔΚ-02687)
- Pilot application for the production of geospatial data for the Port of Skala Polichnitou (2016)
The purpose of the project was to capture the coastal area of the port of Skala Polychnitou, in Lesvos. In this project, new technology (drones and high spatial precision sensors) and scientific know-how were used for the production of geospatial data, as well as topographic and cartographic derivatives of the port at Skala Polychnitou. An Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (UAV) equipped with a high-resolution optical sensor was used to obtain multiple images (vertical and lateral RGB images), in order to fully cover the port area of Skala Polychnitos. The project resulted in the mapping of the current situation of the port of Skala Polychnitos in high resolution, with the production of orthophoto maps for two different time periods.
Partners: University of the Aegean
Funding: Port Fund of Lesvos
- ARIA3 | ATLANTIC CITIES: smart, sustainable and secure ports and protecting the ocean (2020-2023)
The project aims at developing and delivering to the end user communities a number of customized EO-based information services to support decision making processes in the Atlantic Region: 1. Climate Resilience, 2. Atlantic Cities and Ports, 3. Protecting the Ocean. The Climate Resilience Service will be focused on providing information and know-how for assessing the risks and potential socio-economic impacts of coastal processes such as erosion and flooding, to: Critical infrastructures, Business activities, Coastal protection elements. The Cities and Ports Service will focus on addressing the needs identified by coastal cities with ports, supporting the social cohesion and inclusiveness while ensuring the harmonious co-existence of many economic activities and the well-being of its inhabitants and tourists. The Protecting the Ocean Service will focus on: detecting emerging pollutants such as marine litter and monitoring the environmental status of ocean areas, including MPAs and other marine ecosystem relevant areas. This service addresses users from national and international authorities and other entities responsible for reporting marine status and indicators.
Partners: Deimos Space UK Ltd (Prime contractor), Atlantic International Research Centre (AIR Centre), Deimos Engenharia, Deimos Engineering and Systems, Instituto Hidrográfico, Planetek Italia, University of the Aegean
Funding: European Space Agency (ESA)
- Support works in the framework of European Programs of the Municipality of Lesvos (2015)
The scope of the project was: a) the support of the Municipality of Lesvos in the search for all the necessary information for the possibilities of financing projects that the Municipality of Lesvos could provide from national or international agencies (Co-financed by Greece and the European Union, European Union, etc.), b) the support of the Municipality Lesvos for the planning, coordination, and implementation of the process of submitting proposals for funding, c) the support of the Municipality of Lesvos for the planning and implementation of the scheduling of all administrative actions required, as well as monitoring the implementation of all actions, both in terms of physical and financial sides of the project.
Partners: University of the Aegean
Funding: Municipality of Lesvos
- SEO-DWARF | Semantic EO Data Web Alert and Retrieval Framework (H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015) (2015–2019)
H2020 RISE project to connect the quantitative information of the EO images with the quantitative (high-level user queries). Retrieval of EO images based on user semantically aware questions. The main objective of SEO-DWARF was to realize the content-based search of EO images on an application-specific basis. The marine application domain and data from Sentinels 1, 2, 3 ENVISAT was used. The research contained: a) ontology formalization for the specific research topics, b) determination of the semantic queries for the application domains, c) algorithm development for extracting metadata from the EO images, and d) design of an architecture of the platform to perform the semantic image retrieval and storage and management of the extracted metadata. All four aspects integrated into an innovative and user-friendly web-based platform enabling the users to retrieve images for marine applications and register for a semantic alert. The demonstrated expertise that was implemented in the project was the algorithm & product development and the conversion of the research into commercial application.
Partners: Planetek Italia SRL (Coordinator), Planetek Hellas, Ethnicon Metsovion Polytechnion, Technologiko Panepistimio Kyprou, University of the Aegean, Universita Degli Studi Di Bari Aldo Moro, TWT Gmbh Science & Innovation, I-SEA, Cloudsigma Ag, Cloudsigma Ltd
Funding: H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015, European Commission
- MARISCA | Marine spatial conservation planning in the Aegean Sea (2015-2016)
The project aimed to contribute to protecting and conserving biodiversity in the context of an integrated Marine Spatial Plan (MSP) in the Aegean Sea. A network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) and protection zones were proposed to conserve all essential and vulnerable habitats and species, as defined by national and community legislation and international agreements. The study area covered the coastal and marine ecosystems of the Aegean Sea, Greece.
Partners: University of the Aegean, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research (HCMR), Institute of Marine Research (IMR)
Funding: EEA GRANTS 2009-2014, Public Investments Program of the Hellenic Republic
- Recording and studying of the erosion reversal phenomena in tourist beaches of the Aegean islands (2015-2016)
MRSG developed specific methodologies for identifying coastline and coastal zones (coastal morphology). The availability of very high-resolution digital surface models (DSMs) and orthophoto maps is of increasing interest to all scientists, especially those monitoring small variations in the earth’s surface, such as coastline morphology. This methodology acquired and processed high-resolution data for coastal zones acquired by a vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) attached to a small commercial camera. The proposed methodology integrated computer vision algorithms for 3D representation with image processing techniques for analysis. The SfM pipeline was used to construct the DSMs and orthophotos with a measurement precision in the order of centimeters. GEOBIA is used to create objects by grouping pixels that had the same spectral characteristics together and extracting statistical features from them. The objects produced were classified by fuzzy classification using the statistical features as input. The classification output classes included beach composition (sand, rubble, and rocks) and sub-surface classes (seagrass, sand, algae, and rocks). The methodology was applied to two case studies of coastal areas with different compositions: a sandy beach with a large face and a rubble beach with a small face. Both are threatened by beach erosion and have been degraded by the action of sea storms.
Funding: European Economic Area
- Cross-border Cooperation for Maritime Spatial Planning Development (Thal-Chor) (2014-2015)
THAL-CHOR aimed at developing a methodology for MSP and then using this methodology for pilot application in selected areas in Cyprus (Limassol area) and Greece (Islands of Lesvos and Rhodes). Resolution of spatial conflicts between different uses of the sea, better coordination between stakeholders, and strengthening cross-border cooperation were also the project’s objectives. The following actions took place: (1) Stock-taking of human activities at sea and analysis of main features of the marine environment, (2) Development of a Web-GIS to display all collected data, (3) Overview of the legal framework and recommendations for its improvement, (4) Definition of future priorities and analysis of the future state in terms of the evolution of existing activities and development of new ones, (5) Pilot implementation of MSP in selected areas and drafting of pilot maritime spatial plans and (6) Evaluation of the methodology followed for implementing MSP and identification of good practices.
Funding: Interreg A: Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Greece-Cyprus 2007-2013
- BeachTour | Synergy for the sustainable development and safety of the Hellenic Tourist Beaches (2014-2015)
The project aimed at the creation of a dynamic and easy-to-use database for the registration and processing of information related to the environmental characteristics of Greek beaches, as well as information related to beach management (coastal facilities, accessibility, safety) using online information. In addition, it aimed at assessing the accuracy/sensitivity of high-resolution satellite imagery in order to determine their physical characteristics and the development/testing of an automated Coastal Monitoring System - CMS, which records, processes and transmits environmental (wave break/ run-up, wind speed/ direction, atmosphere/water temperature, ultraviolet radiation) and useful (number of visitors, activities, safety) information. An innovative morphodynamic model was developed as part of the project using Spatio-temporal information, 3D laser scanner data, and high-frequency sensors. Also, "best practices" were identified for managing the vulnerability of beaches due to climate change (sea-level change) in relation to the socio-economic cost/benefit assessment and to propose effective measures to adapt to the new conditions.
Partners: National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of the Aegean, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, TechNETropia Ltd, TERRA SPATIUM SA
Funding: Co-financed by Greece and the European Union - Action COOPERATION II
- ThalaSAR | Automated detection and classification of mid-range oceanographic phenomena in synthetic aperture radar satellite imagery (2012-2015)
The research project was related to the study of medium-scale oceanographic phenomena (eg areas with low wind intensity, rainfall areas, internal waves, and oceanic eddies) on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) data. During the project, an automated methodology was developed for the identification, detection, and classification of oceanographic phenomena in SAR satellite telescopic imaging. In addition, the characteristics of oceanographic phenomena in satellite imagery were examined in parallel with their physical interpretation, and the similarities and differences between the characteristics were identified. Each oceanographic phenomenon was examined through "object-oriented" analysis, i.e. based on entities - objects and not based on pixels. The methodology produced worked satisfactorily in locating the phenomena.
Partners: University of the Aegean
Funding: General Secretariat for Research and Technology
- Development of Geographic Information System for the Prefecture (2010)
The aim of the project was the recording, geographical mapping, and analysis of data concerning the road network of the Prefecture of Lesvos and its use (provincial network maintenance, traffic accidents, and traffic connections). In this way, it was possible to draw conclusions for the definition of policies (such as the identification of hazardous points, the statistical analysis of accidents, the study of the effectiveness of maintenance projects, the consequences of the creation of nodes, etc.). Only free software/open-source software was used for the development of the system.
Partners: University of the Aegean
Funding: Laboratory of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Department of Geography, University of the Aegean
- ARGOMARINE | Automatic Oil-Spill Recognition and Geopositioning integrated in a Marine Monitoring Network (2009-2012)
The concept of the ARGOMARINE proposal was the monitoring of the marine traffic due to carriers and commercial ships through environmental-sensitive sea areas. This monitoring application was realized by means of sophisticated electronic, geopositioning, and telematic tools connected through a high-speed network along with data transmission through suitable data links. Data from different sources were collected in an independent and remote fashion and sent to a main acquisition and elaboration central unit. The motivation and scope of the Argomarine project were the safe detections, notifications, and interventions on vessels in an emergency situation and the protection of the sea and insular environment, endangered by heavy and continuous activities, mainly due to intensive ship traffic, generating a consistent pollution risk.
Funding: European Commission