MRSG’s OCI™­F Series ("All-Seeing Eye") hyperspectral camera is optimized for VIS-NIR spectrum applications. Mounted on a UAV it is used for making accurate ground measurements, marine litter detection, and coastal mapping. This sensor is a miniaturized push-broom hyperspectral camera covering the full VIS-NIR (400-1000 nm) wavelength range, with a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 interface. It features ultra-compactness (14 cm x 7 cm x 7 cm) and lightweight (~ 570 g) with fast data transfer rates (up to 60 fps). As an innovative “true push-broom” hyperspectral imager, the OCI-F Series is not dependent on a constant scanning speed and it offers versatility on various platforms such as UAVs with perfect hyperspectral image stitching.

Key Specs:

  • “True push-broom” operation mode
  • 400-1000 nm spectral range
  • 240 spectral bands
  • 800 x scan length spatial pixels
  • 16 mm (21° FOV) lens

Bayspec OCI-F hyperspectral camera mounted on MRSG's UCD S1000 drone can be seen in the following image.