Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Harmonisation

Study Objective

Our study aims to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date overview and assessment of the various schemes implemented for acquiring data on marine biodiversity and their reporting in the European Union and adjacent marine waters.

Key Deliverables

 1. Assessment Results:

  • Detailed evaluations of current methodologies for assessing and monitoring marine biodiversity.
  • Insight into existing platforms, repositories, and infrastructures where data is made available.

 2. Integrated Online Database:

  • Development of a comprehensive digital tool offering structured access to the results obtained from different tasks.
  • Enhanced accessibility to current knowledge and methodologies for assessing marine biodiversity.

 3. Strengthening the European Community of Practice:

  • Engagement with key experts, researchers, and platform coordinators through interviews and interactive workshops.
  • Contribution to the consolidation of results and the co-creation of operational recommendations and harmonized pathways.

Collaborative Approach

We will work closely with the Joint Research Centre (JRC) and other Commission services, actively engaging with relevant experts via existing networks and platforms. These include:

  • The Expert Network for Biodiversity under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
  • Projects funded by DG RTD.
  • Regional Sea Conventions.
  • National expert institutions and authorities.

Benefits and Impact

  • Tailored Outputs:
  • Study outputs will be designed for both EU institutional users and national competent authorities and their expert institutions.
  • Aiming to move from simply providing more data to optimizing its utilization.
  • Legacy and Dissemination:
  • Facilitating the dissemination of results to the broader community.
  • Fostering a sense of ownership of the study results.

Contribution to EU Objectives

Our study supports the achievement of the objectives of the EU Mission by integrating existing and new marine biodiversity monitoring techniques within harmonized knowledge pathways. This effort will deliver coherent and cost-effective reporting, supporting both the implementation and the forthcoming revision of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. It will also benefit from the Directive's communication infrastructure and the involvement of EU Member States' experts, scientists, and monitoring authorities.

By strengthening the community of practice and enhancing data accessibility and usability, our study aims to significantly contribute to the effective monitoring and conservation of marine biodiversity in the European Union and adjacent marine waters.


Funding programme: Call for tender CINEA/2023/OP/0005/LOT1/SI2.906288

Duration: 07/02/2024 - 13/12/2024

Budget: 239,691.46€ [EUR]