High Precision Survey of Ports

The constant technological evolution in Computer Vision and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), as well as the miniaturization of sensors, may lead to surveys with high-quality spatial information and products for several applications. The use of UAV systems for High Precision Survey of coastal areas is not only a flexible and attractive solution to produce accurate and high qualitative spatial data and geo visualizations but also is a significant contribution to cost effectiveness of monitoring.
In this context, MRSGroup uses the benefits of UAVs in surveying and monitoring critical infrastructure. A UASystem equipped with a high-resolution optical sensor for the acquisition of multiple images (RGB digital aerial and oblique images), to fully cover the area of-of the port of Skala Polixnitos.
The Port Authority of Lesvos contracted the MRSGroup to actualize a high precision survey of the coastal area of the port of Skala Polixnitos. In this project, the MRSG is using all the new technology (drones and high precision sensors) and MRSGs scientific knowledge for the production of geospatial data as well as topographic and cartographic derivatives of Skala Polichnitos Port.
More particular the Port Authority of Lesvos acquires as project deliverables the following:
The high-resolution mapping of the existing situation of the port of Skala Polichnitou with the production of orthophoto-maps for two different time periods.

MRSG will work for the production of very accurate geoinformation and with very high spatial resolution datasets. The finall spatial data and derivatives of this study processing will be the following
- Digital Terrain Model DTM
- Topographic maps
- A three-dimensional model of the area.
- The delimitation of areas of interest in the study area held by the Port Authority of Lesvos.
- The collection and processing of orthophoto maps for the study area of HELLENIC MILITARY GEOGRAPHICAL SERVICE (HMGS) and Survey and Mapping Agency of Greece (OKXE).
Finally, all visualization results, as well as the geospatial information, produced will be delivered to public from an online geographic information system (web gis) with distinct levels of information that will be implemented from MRSG team.